
Who said “local alcoholics” need clearing from the bench outside Hoylake Library?

We’ve all read it. The original, pretty outrageous and insulting planning application to convert the former library on Market Street into a gym. Oh, and to remove the existing trees in front of the building (still owned by council taxpayers, btw – a small factor the council always, always forgets when forgetting about handing over…

In Memoriam

So. Farewell Then, Bargain Booze. You were red and white, Stocked with shite, For those with nothing to lose. You were our own little ice box From Siberia, Where even the Arctic feared to tread. Where every customer who entered, Contributed to their one day being dead. No more Pickled Onion Space Invaders, For just…

The Swamp Is By No Means “Natural”

By Leigh Marles New sand dunes don’t just happen in England, or in particular Hoylake. They’re made by bloody hard work and great attention to detail… Wearing PVC kecks and a studded leather biker jacket, I turned up for my first day at work building sand dunes at Red Rocks in Hoylake. It was 1981,…

Fawkes It

The bad news is that, despite all the evident increases in technology and online research capabilities, despite Attenborough researchers finding a way of filming inch-long translucent jellyfish miles below the sea surface, and despite even Elon Musk (possibly) waking up for the traditional 5am middle-aged gentleman’s visit to the bathroom in between sending rockets into…

Let Me In, Whisper The Watermelons

Our Julian and Our Jane are apparently on a mission to pretend the local elections that took place nearly three months ago never happened. That was when both, standing as Green Party candidates for Wirral Council, were utterly humiliated at the ballot box. But like all aspiring politicians, they’ve resolutely refused to stare punishing defeat…

Wirral West MP to stand down at next general election, but will anyone notice?

Margaret Greenwood has signalled her intent to stand down as the Member of Parliament for Wirral West at the next general election, widely expected to be held next year at the latest. By then she will have been the constituency’s representative for nine years, after first taking her place on Westminster’s green benches after winning…

Green with frenzy – on a wing and a prayer, Our Jools enters the fray

In what no one anywhere would ever consider exciting news, the local council elections loom. In Wirral, that means all 66 of the council seats are up for grabs. There is no point whatsoever in any parties or their supporters or indeed voters at large getting excited about it, though, because we all know, through…

Showbiz conundrum

It’s tough being on an employment hiatus, but life can take interesting twists. Such as: Has Hoylake’s “resting” ageing Alan Carr-lookalike ever been seen in the same room as Sam Smith? Answers to Deadwood’s house, please. He needs the attention. And probably someone else’s missus.


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